This page provides registration procedure for new and continuing students and how to apply for a certificate of enrollment
This page provides registration procedure for new and continuing students and how to apply for a certificate of enrollment
You need to register every semester at NTU by paying the tuition and fees on time, usually due before the first day of class.
Tuition fees vary depending on the college, degree, year of study, and student status. Please check and confirm the amount due on the “NTU Tuition & Fees Payment Invoice” webpage. You can pay your tuition at any bank and ATMs (including the Postal Office and Banks available on campus). For more information on tuition and fees, please refer to: Finances > Tuition & Fees.
The registration process for new students is conducted online. Students must complete all required items, pay the tuition and fees, upload necessary documents, and pass the review by the responsible offices to complete the registration process. After the online registration is completed, students can collect their student ID cards from the Office of Academic Affairs.
The Online Registration System for New Students includes contact information for the responsible offices for each task. If you have any questions, please contact the relevant offices directly. The Online Registration URL is: https://my.ntu.edu.tw/StudentPass/Home/Index
You will get to know all the regulations related to you as an international student in this declaration.
You may download the “International Student Declaration Form” from the Online International Students Pre-Arrival Survey for New Internation Student.
After reading throughly, please download, sign it then upload it to the Online Registration System during the online registration period.
For more information about the appointed date and period, please log in to the Online International Students Pre-Arrival Survey for New Internation Student or the agenda to check.
Please log in to the Online Pre-Arrival Survey for New International Students and fill in your emergency contact information in Taiwan.
This emgercy contact in Taiwan play a important role in the NTU Emergency Case standard operation procedure. In case of emergencies, they will be the first one to be contact to come onsite to help you.
If you are new and still don’t know anyone in Taiwan, please feel free to join the International Student Clubs, specially from your home country, so you can get to know your Seniors at NTU or you also may ask your student volunteer if they are willing to become your emergency contact.
Students are required to fill out the Online Registration of Personal Information.
Please follow the Instruction below to complete the NTU General Health Exam
All National Taiwan University (NTU) International Students must complete the Health Exam in Taiwan. Please download the Bachelor’s NTU General Health Exam Form and follow the instructions:
After the Online Registration starts, please log in to myNTU and complete the health survey:
myNTU > Student>Health Survey for Undergraduate
During the Online Registration Period, upload the colored scanned PDF of the completed NTU General Health Exam Form on the Online Registration System. If the form is issued after this period, upload the payment receipt instead and submit the completed form by September 15, 2024 in myNTU >> Students >> Health Survey for Undergraduate
For more detailed information about the Health Exam, please contact the NTU Health Center, Nurse Chien-Hui CHAN:
Tel: 02-3366-2161
Undergraduate (bachelor) students are required to fill in the online Physical and Mental Health Assessment Scale Survey during the registration period. This online system will open during the Online Registration Period.
Note: After logging into the system, you can switch language at the upper right corner.
* Link to the online survey:
Please use your student ID number to log into the myNTU website (Students > Tuition Miscellaneous Fees & Payment). You can log in to download and print your tuition & fees payment invoice in the appointed period. You may check the Agenda or the Online International Students Pre-Arrival Survey for New Internation Student for the appointed period.
Please note that the payment method will affect the display of “Payment Completed” in the Online Registration System as follows:
The tuition fee payment procedure is shown below:
During the online registration period, you must complete the following steps by filling out and uploading documents via the Online Registration System, as instructed below or per the system’s guidelines. Registration is considered complete only after all required actions are fulfilled:
Download and Submit Agreement Form:
Download the “Declaration and Letter of Consent and Authorization” from the online registration system, sign it, and upload it.
Upload Proof of Payment:
Upload a scanned copy of your tuition and fees payment receipt.
Upload Passport Scan:
Provide a color scan of your passport.
Upload Academic Credentials:
Complete the online Registration of Personal Information:
Complete the online Registration of Personal Information form. Ensure the status in the system reads “Under Review.” If it shows “No Data,” click the relevant link in the system to update it.
Fill in the General Health Survey and the Life Style Survey
Upload Health Exam Report:
Submit the completed NTU General Health Examination Form. If you plan to take a leave of absence or are unable to submit this form during the registration period, download the “Application Form for Postponement of Health Report Submission”, sign it, and upload it to the corresponding section.
Fill out “Physical and Mental Health Assessment Scale”
Parental Consent for Minors:
If you are under 18 on the registration start date, download the“Informed consent for Physical and Mental Health Assessment Scale” , ensure both you and your legal guardian sign it clearly, and upload a scanned copy or photo accordingly.
Complete Online International Students Pre-Arrival Survey for New Internation Student and Check Insurance Status:
Complete the Online International Students Pre-Arrival Survey for New Internation Student and upload the signed “International Student Declaration Form.”
After completing all fields and uploading the necessary documents in the Online Registration System, each submission will undergo review. Once all items are approved, you will be eligible to collect your student ID and enrollment certificate (if needed) on the specified date at the designated location.
Important Notes:
Each section is reviewed by different personnel. For specific inquiries, please directly contact the corresponding responsible officer.
You will get to know all the regulations related to you as an international student in this declaration.
You may download the “International Student Declaration Form” from the Online International Students Pre-Arrival Survey for New Internation Student.
After reading throughly, please download, sign it then upload it to the Online Registration System.
Please log in to the Online Pre-Arrival Survey for New International Students and fill in your emergency contact information in Taiwan.
This emgercy contact in Taiwan play a important role in the NTU Emergency Case standard operation procedure. In case of emergencies, they will be the first one to be contact to come onsite to help you.
If you are new and still don’t know anyone in Taiwan, please feel free to join the International Student Clubs, specially from your home country, so you can get to know your Seniors at NTU or you also may ask your student volunteer if they are willing to become your emergency contact.
Students are required to fill out the Online Registration of Personal Information.
All the National Taiwan University International Students General Health Exam Form needs to be completed in Taiwan.
Please follow the Instruction below to complete the NTU General Health Exam:
Please download the NTU Gerenal Health Exam Form for New Graduate students and follow the instructions:
For more detailed instructions, download the following:
NTU Graduate Gerenal Health Exam Instruction
After the Online Registration period starts,please log in to myNTU and complete the health survey:
myNTU >> Student >>Health Survey for Graduate
During the Online Registration Period, upload the colored scanned PDF of the completed NTU General Health Exam Form on the Online Registration System. If the form is issued after this period, upload the payment receipt at the Online Registration System before August 30, 2024 and submit the completed form by September 15, 2024 in myNTU >> Students >> Health Survey for Graduate
For more detailed information about the Health Exam, please contact the NTU Health Center, Nurse Yu-Hsien Ho:
Email: hoyuhsien@ntu.edu.tw
Tel: 02-33662169
Please use your student ID number to log into the myNTU website (Students > Tuition Miscellaneous Fees & Payment). You can log in to download and print your tuition & fees payment invoice in the appointed period. You may check the Agenda or the Online International Students Pre-Arrival Survey for New Internation Student for the appointed period.
Please note that the payment method will affect the display of “Payment Completed” in the Online Registration System as follows:
The tuition fee payment procedure is shown below:
During the online registration period, you must complete the following steps by filling out and uploading documents via the Online Registration System, as instructed below or per the system’s guidelines. Registration is considered complete only after all required actions are fulfilled:
Download and Submit Agreement Form:
Download the “Declaration and Letter of Consent and Authorization” from the online registration system, sign it, and upload it.
Upload Proof of Payment:
Upload a scanned copy of your tuition and fees payment receipt.
Upload Passport Scan:
Provide a color scan of your passport.
Upload Academic Credentials:
Complete the online Registration of Personal Information:
Complete the online Registration of Personal Information form. Ensure the status in the system reads “Under Review.” If it shows “No Data,” click the relevant link in the system to update it.
Fill in the General Health Survey and the Life Style Survey
Upload Health Exam Report:
Submit the completed NTU General Health Examination Form. If you plan to take a leave of absence or are unable to submit this form during the registration period, download the “Application Form for Postponement of Health Report Submission”, sign it, and upload it to the corresponding section.
Complete Online International Students Pre-Arrival Survey for New Internation Student and Check Insurance Status:
Complete the Online International Students Pre-Arrival Survey for New Internation Student and upload the signed “International Student Declaration Form.”
After completing all fields and uploading the necessary documents in the Online Registration System, each submission will undergo review. Once all items are approved, you will be eligible to collect your student ID and enrollment certificate (if needed) on the specified date at the designated location.
Important Notes:
Each section is reviewed by different personnel. For specific inquiries, please directly contact the corresponding responsible officer.
The Enrollment certificate is an important piece of document when applying for the ARC, ARC renewal, Work Permit, some Scholarships, and so on.After paying the tuition fees for the semester, you can download the Certificate of Enrollment from myNTU’s ePortfolio during the semester.
Application steps:
During summer and winter vacations, students are unable to download the Certificate of Enrollment through the NTU ePortfolio. If you wish to apply for the Enrollment Certificate during Summer or Winter vacation, you should ask the Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) for the tuition fee payment bill for the following semester, pay the fees, and take the receipt back to OAA (Graduate Academic Affairs Division for graduate students; Undergraduate Academic Affairs Division for undergraduate students). The OAA will either issue a Certificate of Enrollment to you, or give you a copy of your Student ID card with a registered stamp on it, which will serve as a Certificate of Enrollment, too.
All university-level exchange and visiting students must attend registration session during Welcome Week. The registration procedure and documents to bring are listed below.
If you are a college-level exchange students, please contact your college coordinators for more information about registration.
> Students > Personal Information >> Personal Information with your NTU student account, and complete all the items on the form.
You will need to provide your contact number in Taiwan and 2 emergency contacts who are reachable in Taiwan with a Taiwan number. Emergency contact can be your friends in Taiwan or NTU student volunteers. Please get their permission first before you fill in their names and phone numbers.
Log in to Tuition & Fees Payment Invoice with your NTU student account to see the total amount due and download your payment sheet. You can make the payment at any post office or convenience stores in Taiwan.
*Remember to keep the receipt!
If you are a visiting student, you’ll also need to pay the Program Fees. You can find the payment sheet from NTU Visiting Student Program System > Before Arrival > Program Fee.
Bring the following required items to the registration venue:
A | Registration Notice | Screenshot of the notification email |
B | Payment sheet and receipt For exchange students: Service fee for Information Networking Infrastructure For visiting students: Tuition fees and program fees |
Hard copy |
C | NTU Health Examination Form & Form C | Original completed hard copy |
D | Insurance Proof or a Valid National Health Insurance (NHI) card | Original or photocopy in Chinese or English |
E | International Student Declaration Form | Original hard copy with handwritten signature |
If you cannot submit all the above documents on the day of registration, please contact your NTU exchange coordinator to schedule a make-up registration at: https://ntuoiaisss2.setmore.com/ntuoia-(appointment-page-for-non-degree-students)
During your study at NTU, you might need a certificate of enrollment to extend your visa, to apply for an ARC, or to buy a train ticket with a student discount.
You can print the document on your own by logging into the Exchange Student Program System or Visiting Student Program System, then navigate to Before Arrival > Registration.