All university-level exchange students are required to attend on-site registration organized by NTU Office of International Affairs. You may find more information about the registration procedures below. However, as for college-level exchange students, please contact your college coordinators for more information about the registration.
>> Students >> Personal Information >> Personal Information with your NTU student account, and complete all the items on the form.
You are requested to have a contact number in Taiwan, and 2 emergency contacts who are reachable in Taiwan. Your emergency contact can be your friends or student volunteers. Please get their permission first before you fill in their names and phone numbers.
Step 02 Finish payment and get a receipt
As an exchange student, your tuition fee at NTU is waived, but the Service fee for Information Networking Infrastructure (TWD 400~600) is required. Log in to Tuition & Fees Payment Invoice with your NTU student account, and download your payment sheet. Completing the payment at the post office or convenience stores in Taiwan*, and keep the receipt.
Step 03 Bring the following required items to the registration venue:
Registration Notice
Screenshot of the notification email
Payment sheet and receipt (Service fee for Information Networking Infrastructure)
Hard copy
NTU Health Examination Form & Form C
Original completed hard copy
Insurance Proof or a Valid National Health Insurance (NHI) card
Original or photocopy in Chinese or English
International Student Declaration Form
Original hard copy with handwritten signature
※ Important:
If you have difficulty submitting all the above documents on the day of registration, please contact your NTU exchange coordinator to schedule a make-up registration.
Step 04 Download the Certificate of Enrollment (Optional)