NTU Alumni

Alumni Services
Alumni Card Application
  1. To enhance alumni services, our university issues alumni cards in accordance with the “National Taiwan University Alumni Card Application, Use, and Management Guidelines,” facilitating alumni access to shared resources with National Taiwan University.
  2. The issuance of alumni cards is limited to alumni who have obtained a degree certificate from our university.
  3. Each person is allowed to apply for one card, and for individuals with multiple degrees, the alumni card is issued based on the highest degree attained.
  4. For detailed instructions on applying for an alumni card, please click on the following link:
Application for Computer and Information Networking Center Application for Computer and Information Networking Center
Library Circulation Service Library
Transcript/Diploma Application Transcript/Diploma Application
Parking Discounts Parking
Sports Facilities Sports Facilities
Natural Reserve Natural Reserve
Find Alumni Find Alumni
Discounts For Alumni
Alumni Discount Store List
Lifelong learning
Event Registration Activity List

Knowledge Repository

Knowledge Repository
Open Courses Open Courses
Foreign Language Learning Foreign Language Learning
Mandarin Learning Mandarin Learning
NTU Speech NTU Speech
Alumni Return and Recharge Alumni Return and Recharge
Alumni Reunion
Alumni Reunion Alumni Reunion
Alumni Groups
Alumni Groups
Alumni Group List
Outstanding Alumni
Winner List
Winner List
Selection Criteria
Select Regulation
Alumni News
Alumni Dynamic
Alumni Dynamic
News Submission
News Submission
Alumni Section
Digital Alumni Card
Alumni Card
Personal Information Maintenance
Alumni Info
Class Directory
Class Directory

For more information, please visit the website of National Taiwan University Alumni Center.


NTU Alumni

Alumni Services
Alumni Card Application
  1. To enhance alumni services, our university issues alumni cards in accordance with the “National Taiwan University Alumni Card Application, Use, and Management Guidelines,” facilitating alumni access to shared resources with National Taiwan University.
  2. The issuance of alumni cards is limited to alumni who have obtained a degree certificate from our university.
  3. Each person is allowed to apply for one card, and for individuals with multiple degrees, the alumni card is issued based on the highest degree attained.
  4. For detailed instructions on applying for an alumni card, please click on the following link:
Application for Computer and Information Networking Center Application for Computer and Information Networking Center
Library Circulation Service Library
Transcript/Diploma Application  Transcript/Diploma Application
Parking Discounts Parking
Sports Facilities Sports Facilities
Natural Reserve Natural Reserve
Find Alumni Find Alumni
Discounts For Alumni
Alumni Discount  Store List
Lifelong learning
Event Registration Activity List

Knowledge Repository

Knowledge Repository
Open Courses Open Courses
Foreign Language Learning Foreign Language Learning
Mandarin Learning Mandarin Learning
NTU Speech NTU Speech
Alumni Return and Recharge Alumni Return and Recharge
Alumni Reunion
Alumni Reunion Alumni Reunion
Alumni Groups
Alumni Groups
Alumni Group List
Outstanding Alumni
Winner List
Winner List
Selection Criteria
Select Regulation
Alumni News
Alumni Dynamic
Alumni Dynamic
News Submission
News Submission
Alumni Section
Digital Alumni Card
Alumni Card
Personal Information Maintenance
Alumni Info
Class Directory
Class Directory

For more information, please visit the website of National Taiwan University Alumni Center.


Alumni Card