Research Associate position at TUD Dresden University of Technology (Nanoelectronics)

One of the strongest research teams in Germany in the field of semiconductor research, TUD Dresden University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Institute of Semiconductors and Microsystems (IHM), the Chair of Nanoelectronics (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Mikolajick) offers a position as Research Associate / PhD student.

As part of a Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) – German Research Foundation project, the Neurotransistor-based Memristive Crossbar Memcomputing (#NeuroMCross) is to be scientifically investigated. Hybrid memristor crossbar structures on the gate electrode of a silicon-based field-effect transistor is to be fabricated, electrically characterized and modelled. The existing clean room at the chair and the connected research rooms and laboratories will be used for the production and structuring of individual resistive switching elements, integrated transistor-based switching elements with functionalized gate electrode(s) and for the fabrication of matrix structures. A variety of semiconductor technology systems and processes are used, also with partners (especially in the clean room/research laboratory of NaMLab gGmbH), e.g. UV contact lithography, thermal oxidation/diffusion or ALD/CVD/PVD. Electrical characterization is carried out using DC and transient measurement methods in order to check the switching properties of the transistors and matrix structures as well as the memory behavior of the memristive components. The modeling of the memristive and memcapacitive properties is part of the project and will be supported.

The position is limited to 36 months. The position offers the chance to obtain further academic qualification (usually PhD).

Above-average university degree in the field of electrical engineering, physics, materials science or a related field. Furthermore, a very good command of English, excellent teamwork skills and an independent and self-reliant way of working are expected. Experience in working in a clean room environment and in the practical implementation of thin film processes and/or analyses on semiconductor materials and semiconductor devices is desirable. Knowledge of electrical characterization methods is preferred.

How to apply:
Refer to the following website and submit your detailed application with the usual documents by February 19, 2024.
